The Homestead Podcast – featuring Carol & Jamie, of

You can email us at info @
Or email Carol right here
We are constantly looking for interesting guests with great (and not so great) stories. If you think you might want to be included within our podcast, please let us know. If you have a book, product or website, we’d love to consider you for an interview and help you promote you.
Sponsors is helping to sponsor The Homestead Podcast. They have agreed to pay for 12 months of our podcast hosting fees. For that, we are so grateful.
We’d also like to give a mention to Harvest Right Freeze Dryers, Avid Armor Vacuum Sealers, Cultures For Health, EliHome, & MilkyDay Dairy Equipment. These companies have provided us with products, in oder to make content for you.They have not paid us to advertize. They beleive in homesteading, food preserrvation or sustainability and wanted to help us get out message out.
If you would like to become a co-sponsor of our show and/or the Small Farm, Sustainability & Homestead Living Facebook Group, please let us know, We’re pretty sure we can work something out.
Do you have a product brand that you believe would be helpful to the homesteading community? Would you like us to test, demonstrate and review your products for our fans or the members/followers of Small Farm, Sustainability & Homestead Living Facebook Group, with it +184,000 members? Please email us. We’ll get you some great exposure and you will help us with content creation – win-win.
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